My Calendar System

You might come across cryptic identifiers on this site, like C.VI.3 or 2025.G.IX.7. These are date formats based on a five-season calendar system. This calendar system makes particular sense where I live (Western Europe).

In this system there are five seasons, each lasting 10 weeks

  • The Cold
  • The Growth
  • The Light
  • The Fullness
  • The Darkening

These can be abbreviated to C/G/L/F/D respectively. Weeks within each season are designated with roman numerals, days of the week with numbers. So L.III.2 is a tuesday in the third week of The Light, which would be some time in early June.

5 x 10 = 50 weeks, the remaining 2 weeks are knows at The End (E) and The Beginning (B). These are the weeks of Christmas and New Year respectively.

Note that a year is 365 or 366 days, and 52x7=364, so every five or six years you need a leap week. I haven’t decided yet where that will go. Possible one of the seasons will get an eleventh week, or there will be an extra week between The End and The Beginning.